Samsung has just launched its Galaxy Tab S3 in India, as it was expected. The tablet was first sighted in the MWC 2017 and has now hit the shelves in India. The tablet comes with some worthy specs and competes neck to neck with Apple’s iPad Pro 9.7-inch tablet. The Galaxy Tab S3 comes at a price of Rs. 47,990 and will be available via all the major online and offline retail stores.
The tablet also comes with a couple of introductory offers under which all those who buy the Galaxy Tab S3 before 31st July will get one time screen replacement guarantee for free. The buyers will also get double data offer valid till 31st December on the recharge of Rs. 309. There is also an option of easy EMI’s on the purchase of the tablet. Apart from this, Samsung also debriefed about the accessories available with the Galaxy Tab S3 which include, book cover worth Rs. 2,999 and keyboard cover worth Rs. 8,499.
Coming towards the specifications, the tablet sports a 9.7-inch QXGA (2048 x 1536 pixels) Super AMOLED display and has got a 2.15 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC under the hood. The device comes with 4 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage which is expandable up to 256 GB via microSD card. The Galaxy Tab S3 runs on Android 7.0 Nougat.
In the imaging department, the tablet sports a 13-megapixel rear camera with flash and 4K video recording and a 5-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calls. The tablet comes with Wifi only and LTE options, while other connectivity options include, Wi-Fi 802.11ac with 2 x 2 MIMO, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS, and USB 3.1 Type-C port. The Galaxy Tab S3 comes with 4 AKG tuned speakers to ensure top-notch audio experience. The device packs a 6,000 mAh battery with support for fast charging, enough to keep it ticking for 12 hours as per the company.
The sensors on board include accelerometer, fingerprint sensor, gyroscope, geometric sensor and RGB sensor. The Galaxy Tab S3 also comes with S-Pen stylus in the box, and support for Pogo Keyboard Covers. The tablet measures 237.3 x 169 x 6 mm and weighs 429 grams for the Wifi only variant, where as 434 grams for the LTE variant.