Samsung has confirmed that it will sell the refurbished Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in selective markets. A few days earlier, Samsung had also announced that it is going to kill the charging on remaining active Note 7 devices. Samsung called back around 4 million Galaxy Note 7 after the faulty battery issue was detected in the smartphones.
Samsung has announced that it will sell refurbished Note 7 devices in some markets to properly manage their stock pile of 4 million devices that were called back. There is no such clear idea of how the on-goings will proceed but there are some principles put down by the company under which the process will be done. Firstly, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones will be considered to be used as refurbished or rental phones depending on the market. Second, all the salvageable components of the devices shall be detached for reuse. And finally, all the processes including metal extraction will be conducted by Eco-friendly means.
Samsung, commenting about this said:
“Regarding the Galaxy Note 7 devices as refurbished phones or rental phones, applicability is dependent upon consultations with regulatory authorities and carriers as well as due consideration of local demand. For the remaining Galaxy Note 7 devices, components such as semiconductors and camera modules shall be detached by companies specializing in such services and used for test sample production purposes.”
There were several reports of battery explosions in the Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after which the company took the decision to call all the smartphones back. Samsung made serious efforts to deal with the recall process by putting exchange hot spots all over the world and also arranged special exchange points on the airports. According to Samsung, it had been successful in recalling 97% of the devices however, remaining 3% users are unwilling to return the device. To ensure the safety of these users and people around them, Samsung has decided to kill the charging on the remaining Galaxy Note 7 smartphones through a special update.