Micromax has launched three new Smart LED TV’s from its Canvas Series in India. The TV’s with different screen sizes of 32, 40, and 50-inches are now exclusively available for pre-order on Flipkart starting at Rs. 19,999.
The new Micromax Canvas TV’s feature a Full HD (1920 x 1080) LED displays with 176-degree viewing angle and 3 HDMI ports. All these are powered by MSD 628 Quad-Core A9 Cortex processor, paired with Mali 450 GPU and 1GB DDR3 RAM. They have 4GB of internal memory (eMMC) and run on Android OS. They also have support for WiFi 802.11n with Wi-Fi Direct and ethernet too.
The Micromax Canvas TV’s with 32, 40 and 50-inches are priced at Rs. 19,999, Rs. 29,999 and Rs. 42,999 respectively. These TV’s will go on sale from August 14th.
“The world of television is constantly changing, with more choices and more connected devices than ever before. We have witnessed a growing trend among the consumers to look for seamless transition between multiple connected screens in their everyday lives. Hence, we are revolutionizing the home entertainment experience with launch of our first Micromax Canvas Smart LED Television range for the people to discover SHARPER and SMARTER cinematic and connected experience.”
– Rohan Agarwal, Vice President, Consumer Electronics, Micromax Informatics.