Android beats Windows to become World’s most popular OS for internet browsing

    Categories: News

Android has finally became the most popular operating system in the world for internet browsing. According to an independent web analysis company StatCounter, Android is at the top of the list with 37.93 percent of the world wide operating system market share. As per the data present on the website, Android has surpassed Windows which is now the second most popular operating system in the world.

From the graph, it can be clearly seen that market share of Android kept on gradually increasing from March 2012 and that of Windows kept of gradually decreasing. At present, Windows has a market share of 37.91% which is 0.3% less than Android’s market share. Also, followed by Windows the third most popular is iOS with 13.09% market share.

A drastic change can be seen in the data of last year where Windows slipped from 47.32% in March 2016 to 37.91 in March 2017 and Android rises from 29.34% in March 2016 to 37.93% in March 2017.

Commenting on this Aodhan Cullen, CEO StatCounter said:

“Microsoft no longer owns dominant OS. Android now world’s most popular operating system in terms of internet usage… the end of Microsoft’s leadership worldwide of the OS market which it has held since the 1980s. It also represents a major breakthrough for Android which held just 2.4 percent of global internet usage share only five years ago.”

Along with the world wide stats, the website also revels country wise use of these operating system.

As seen above, most of the developing countries including India have major usage of Android for the web browsing and Internet purpose.

Best Tech Guru Team: Abhinav covers daily Tech news and updates on ‘Best Tech Guru’. He is an Electronics Engineer and a big gadget lover. He is obsessed with technology and has great passion for writing.
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